Friday, August 7, 2009

For the Frugal Fashionistas

For the Frugal Fashionistas

I got an E-vite from an old college buddy, Heather, the other day. Unfortunately I couldn't attend because I work over the weekends, but this great idea was brought to my attention, thanks to her.

It was a clothing swap party!!!

What a great idea, an idea that's been around for a while, I'm sure. I know I have some fashionable friends, and it'd be fun to get your buddies and their buddies together and throw a clothing swap party.

*Declutter. I love this word, "declutter". Intrinsically I'm a minimalist, but I do admit I struggle with it, too. Sometimes stuff accumulates until I can't stand it anymore. That's when I go through my stuff and throw aside what I never use anymore. It's a great feeling - it gives me more space, and in a way, it helps my mind "declutter" too, giving room to new thoughts and ideas (or new clothes).

*Invite. The more the merrier - the more people participating, the more numerous and diverse the clothing picks are.

*Bring. You wouldn't want your best friend to wear some raggedy ol' sweatshirt with mustard stains on it, would you? Of course not! So whatever items you decide to bring, make sure they're in good to excellent condition. The goal is to get rid of this stuff to make room for new cool stuff, isn't it?

Well, good luck everybunnies! Leave a comment - tell us all how yours went!!! :)